September 18


Paper Ball Craft with Bible Verses about Fear

By Anna Joy

September 18, 2017

Paper Ball Craft with Bible Verses about Fear: Do your kids struggle with worries and fears? Encourage them to look to God – with this easy-to-make paper ball, featuring 20 different Bible verses about fear.

Bible Verses about Fear on a Paper Ball Bible Craft for Kids

These paper balls are enjoyable to make and entertaining to play with or beautiful to use as decorations. The verses are truly inspirational, especially for kids (or adults!) who are struggling with anxiety and fear.

They are perfect to display on a bed side table and read when you or your kids are feeling anxious, worried, or fearful!

This simple craft requires only two printable pages, scissors, and glue. It’s perfect for home or Sunday School use.

Materials need for the Paper Ball Craft with Bible Verses about Fear:

  • Scissors
  • Glue (stick or white)
  • Verse Printables (two pages, sign up in the box above to get your copy! These balls come in six different Bible versions – CSB, ESV, KJV, NASB, NIV, and NKJV.)
Bible Verse Craft for Kids with Bible Verses about Fear Paper Ball Craft in three different colors

How to Make the Paper Ball Craft:

Step 1: Print out the two verse pages. You can use regular colored copy paper or scrapbook paper (8.5 X 11 inch size).

Image of template printed on colored paper for Paper Ball with Bible Verses about Fear for Kids

Step 2: Cut out each circle.

Image of circles cut out for the Paper Ball Craft

3. Fold the circles into triangles by folding the sides in over the printed lines.

Image of circles with tabs folded upwards to make the Paper Ball Craft for Kids with Bible Verses about Fear

4. Glue 10 of the triangles into a straight line, alternating right side up and upside down triangles.

Image showing how to paste circles together for the Paper Ball Craft with Bible Verses about Fear

5. Glue five of the triangles into a circle, all top points of the triangles coming into the center. Glue the remaining five triangles into a second circle.

6. Glue the ends of the line of ten together to make a “ring”.

Image showing row of circles glued together into a circle

7. Glue one “circle” to the “ring”, matching the five flaps. Glue the second “circle” to the other side of the ring, completing the globe.

Image of completed Paper Ball Craft

That’s it! Your verse ball is done. Each side of this paper ball includes Bible verses about fear. These precious verses will help you remember that God is in control and loves you!

You can use this beautiful ball as a decoration, store it on your nightstand to remind yourself of God’s promises when your heart is fearful, or play with it like a ball.

Completed Paper Ball Craft with Bible Verses about Fear in Pink and white and gold

Bible Verses about Fear Craft for Kids with 20 Fear Not Bible Verses

Now it’s your turn! Will you be making these “Fear Not” Bible verse paper ball crafts? Do you have any other ideas for them? I would love to hear from you!

May God bless you.

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  1. Thank you so much for this great idea of yours that will help the children to remember that there's no fear in God. God bless you!

  2. Hi. I love this craft and would like to use it with my Sunday school class in El Salvador, but need to have the verses in Spanish. Do you have a Spanish version of this craft, or a blank version of the circles and triangles that I could add the Spanish verses?

  3. Thank you so very much for this craft.
    I am leading our children's Church tomorrow and this resource is excellent.
    Our children right now are so fearful and I need to remind them of our strong, faithful, caring heavenly Father

  4. Dear Anna Joy,
    These are amazing! Thanks so much, our kiddo's will love this! We have ages 3-8 in our Kids class and I am teaching on "Worry Not" Relying on God…
    Bless you,
    Carol W.

  5. My son struggles with fear and this would be such a great visual aid for me to have so we can go to Gods word in those moments.

    1. Mary, the email is bouncing and not able to be delivered to your email address for some reason. If you still want the printable, can you try another email address? I am sorry for the inconvenience. May God bless you!

  6. So Beautiful! I just may use this for our ladies retreat as our theme is Faith Over Fear and as another lady said, we all have fears…. throughout life, regardless of age. Thank you and God bless you for this unique visual..It may be just the craft some may need to relax and connect with others over doing something with their hands.

  7. Thanks Anna, another brilliant and inspired idea. I will have a go at making these for my granchildren. Maybe the idea can be used for mothers/fathers day thus encouraging parents?

  8. We did this as an “in church” craft at the start of the school holidays here in the Southern Hemisphere. It was a little challenging for those under 9 years old but the “big” 11 year old girls were able to help out.
    I was able to tie it in with a Children’s talk on not being afraid of new situations, when you don’t have your school friends to support you, remembering that God (and Jesus) are always there.
    Thanks so much for sharing this craft. I really am not very creative but can follow a plan. This was perfect.

    1. Rowena, thank you so much for letting me know. This put a smile on my face this morning. May God bless you and your work with these children. What an important lesson to teach them!

  9. We have a very small church around 50 members and most are 60+ years old. I have 6-8 children in my Sunday school class and they are ages 7-11. All have made professions of faith and are baptized. You info looks great. I have made my own curriculum and it is getting hard to think what to do next. I think your products will be a great help.

  10. I like this idea. I think having one or two of the triangles be “I” statements about strength or fearlessness written by the child could add to it. If you don’t want to make a new circle, maybe write the statement on a ribbon that is inserted in the ornament.

  11. I made one for our family as my son is struggling with panic attacks right now (generalized anxiety all his life). It’s been great to have on the kitchen table for discussion! I also made one for my bible study group and for my son’s high school counselor (Catholic School). Everyone loves it! Thank you!

  12. I want to print this so me and my grandchildren can have fun making them. My granddaughter loves telling me stories from the bible that shes heard at church. Some she makes up when she forgets. She just turned 6 so I think this is amazing

  13. This a beautiful tool that I would like to use on a Women’s retreat. No matter what age you are we all face fear and rejection from others in new and familiar situations.

    Thank you for sharing this and your ongoing generous heart.

  14. This is beautiful! I’m planning to make one for home and one (or more?) for our church to use with our children’s ministry. Thank you so much for sharing!

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