September 18


Noah’s Ark Craft

By Anna Joy

September 18, 2020

Your kids can retell the story of Noah and the ark with this fun, movable craft. The bottom and top pieces pull through to reveal the ark in the flood and the ark after the flood.

The final project is hard to show in pictures, but you can click the video below to see how this works.

This craft is perfect to save and have on hand for when you teach about Noah’s Ark in a classroom, or to make with your kids on a rainy day.

Kids will love playing with this craft and making the scene change.

Materials Needed for the Noah’s Ark Craft

  • The Noah’s Ark FREE Templates (see box below)
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Crayons, Markers, or Colored Pencils

Directions for the Noah’s Ark Craft

  • Print out one ark page and one page of paper strips for each student.
Your kids can retell the story of Noah and the ark with this movable Noah's Ark craft - simple to make and fun to play with. Free printables included.
  • Cut along the vertical solid black lines with the edge of scissors or a craft knife prior to giving the pages to children. If you have thin paper, you could also gently fold the paper horizontally so that you can cut along the vertical lines. If you have sufficient volunteers and scissors, they could do it during class, but it’s nice to have it done ahead of time.
  • Have your students color the strips and the ark.
Your kids can retell the story of Noah and the ark with this movable Noah's Ark craft - simple to make and fun to play with. Free printables included.
  • If age appropriate, have your students cut out the strips on the bold, black lines.
  • Tape the strips together, matching A to A and B to B.
  • Insert the taped strips into the slits, the sky at the top, and the land / water at the bottom.
  • Have your students pull the paper strips through to tell the story!
Your kids can retell the story of Noah and the ark with this movable Noah's Ark craft - simple to make and fun to play with. Free printables included.
Your kids can retell the story of Noah and the ark with this movable Noah's Ark craft - simple to make and fun to play with. Free printables included.

When you use this craft, I would love to hear how it goes. Please comment below to let me know.

May God bless you!

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  1. The Noah’s ark craft which came with a lesson that I previously purchased from another website was more complex then my 4 year olds could do in a 40 minute class time. I found this one and it looks adorable. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us. I have printed it out and plan to Copy the main color page onto card stock. . I believe that this will be a fun activity

  2. Hey Anna! This craft looks like great fun! Would love to utilise it for our Kids Church lesson this Sunday. I can't seem to find where to download/print the pictures for it though.

    Would you be able to direct me to it, please? 🙂 Thanks heaps!!

    1. Thank you for contacting me, Sean! The links the pink headings “Download the Craft” under the video. You can choose which Bible version you prefer. I will be changing these links eventually so they are more obvious. I hope that helps. May God bless you! – Anna Joy

  3. So so good! I help out with Sunday school crafts and this will be a hit – it is for all ages so this will be something the older children can help the littles with. thank you for such great ideas!

  4. Wish you had a precolored version like you do for most of your other crafts. I make multiple copies for my students and they don’t have the option of coloring them themselves.

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