When life gets hard, we need a little hope. These adorable, hope filled Printable Bible Verse Bookmarks are a great way to cling to God’s hope for ourselves, or bless someone else with a reminder of hope.

Download the Hope Bible Verse Bookmarks in ESV
Download the Hope Bible Verse Bookmarks in KJV
Download the Hope Bible Verse Bookmarks in NASB
Download the Hope Bible Verse Bookmarks in NIV
Download the Hope Bible Verse Bookmarks in NKJV

Many, many people in the world right now have been going through dark days and experiencing worries and trials. Many people are sick or have loved ones who are ill.
Many people have lost jobs and aren’t sure how they are going to pay their bills.
And, many people are experiencing deep loneliness and sadness, mourning the loss of getting together with friends, family, and fellow believers.

But, God gives us hope. I love Romans 15:13. Our God is a God of hope! He can fill us up with all joy and peace in believing – even in the hard times.
And, when we are filled up with joy and peace, we will abound – overflow, have more than we can carry-in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. Praise God for these promises!

Maybe you are not feeling that hope right now. If you are in a season of waiting, please wait in God’s Word. It has the power to bring you hope once again. The Bible has been so precious to me these last few weeks. I know that God will speak to you, as well, through the pages of His Word.

Yes, we are going through a time of suffering right now. But, God has called us to eternal glory in Christ. Think of that for a minute! Eternal glory.
That’s not all! Our God, the God of all grace, will Himself stoop down and perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish us. The NIV Bible version says that God will Himself restore us, and make us strong, firm, and steadfast. The NKJV Bible Version says that God will “settle” us. Maybe that’s my favorite of all!
God is so good!

If you need some encouragement today, print off your own FREE copy of these Printable Bible Verse Bookmarks of Hope. You can access the bookmarks by clicking the links below. The bookmarks are available in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ESV, and NASB Bible versions.
Download the Hope Bible Verse Bookmarks in ESV
Download the Hope Bible Verse Bookmarks in KJV
Download the Hope Bible Verse Bookmarks in NASB
Download the Hope Bible Verse Bookmarks in NIV
Download the Hope Bible Verse Bookmarks in NKJV
Maybe you know of someone who is going through a difficult time right now. Print them off a set of these bookmarks and slip them in the mail or deliver them to their door with some tea or coffee.
If you are a teacher or are ministering to members of your church from a distance, encourage your students and fellow believers with a note and a sweet bookmark. These will brighten anyone’s day!

If you choose to use these bookmarks, I would love to hear how you use them. Please comment below. You all always have such amazing ideas, and it is a blessing to hear from you.
May God bless you!

Hi, Thank you! These are adorable. I was wondering if you might use NLT too? I teach first graders and I love the easy read and understanding of the NLT's translation. Thank You so much.
Thank you for making your work available. It will help for spreading Gods word. God bless.
Thank you so much for making these available.
Our Staple Tye ( Harlow Essex, UK) evangelism team will hand these out to people on the streets.
I am also making some scripture tracts today with my children to add to what we have.
God bless you.
Thank you for making these available. Our group is putting together Hope Bags for Chemo patients (a fellow Sunday School teacher came up with it) and your bookmarks will be a blessing to the preparers and recipients.
God Bless,
Oh, wow, what a beautiful ministry! Thank you for doing this, Dinah. May God bless you!
I am very happy that I found your website. May God continue to Bless You as you share with others
love your work….very helpful
Thank you for the amazing bible bookmarks and colouring the children love them!
Love your amazing ideas. Thank you for sharing your talent.
May God bless you always!
You have so many wonderful ideas and appreciate them all even though I can’t use as many as I have in the past as I don’t teach Sunday School with young kids anymore. I am working in the Awana program however with 4th and 5th graders whenever we will be able to meet again in the fall hopefully. Thank you again for sharing your faith with your talent.
Hi Anna Joy,
Thank you for all the lovely things that you do. I work for a church in the northwest of England, sharing the gospel with the children and schools in our local community. I loved getting your email today and will be using the images of the hope verses on our parent and toddler group facebook page, to bring some hope to our mums who are stuck at home with little ones.
Thank you
Hi Anna Joy!
I intend to send these to my daughter who is 1200 miles away from me and has just moved right before COVID happened! She is a labor and delivery nurse in Washington state, and is so ready for friends and a HUSBAND. She just turned 30 in January, and has followed the Lord since she was a little girl! She has kept herself pure and is so ready to meet her man of God!
As we are separated by many miles, we remain connected by the Holy Spirit and our love! God has placed her where she is now and He knows her and loves her even more than my husband and I ever could!
So I commit her into his loving hands many times a day!
Thank you for sending me a fun little encouraging gift I can now pass on to her!
With love,