It’s hard for me to watch how quickly my kids are growing up.
I long to enjoy this brief time I have with them and to deeply connect with them.
But, so often life gets in the way. Busyness. Grocery shopping and laundry, homeschooling and work, music lessons and dinner prep.

But, even in the busy times, I want to show my kids how how much I love them.
Here’s an easy way to do just that: Printable Coupon Cards!
Printable Coupon Cards featuring fun activities that you can do with your kids.

Sometimes all you need is an idea and a little push to make memories and deepen relationships. These adorable little cards will give you the ideas you need.

These printable coupon cards are easy to print and cut out. They can be placed under your child’s pillow, slipped in a lunch box, or hidden in the book your child is reading.

Imagine the delight on your child’s face when he or she finds one of these notes from you. This is also a fun way to create excitement and anticipation for the fun activities.
Some of these activities will cost money, but many are completely free. You can choose which cards will best fit your family.

Now it’s your turn. Will you use these coupon cards? Do you have any special ideas for them? I would love to hear your thoughts! Please scroll down to comment.
May God bless you!

Love this idea, thank you. Would love to see them in black and white option, as children love to colour in things for their parents. We will be making a coupon booklet for fathers day 🙂
Thank you so much, they are beautiful and so creative.
Thank you
Thank you very much!! I will be passing these out in church to the moms with little kids!
These are so adorable. I just shared on my Facebook page. My daughter is going to love these! Quality Time is one of her Love Languages!
These are very cute!Thank you!
These are so cute.
Is there a charge for any of these materials?
No, Ruth Ann, they are free. 🙂 When you sign up in the email sign up box above, the free printables will be sent straight to your email inbox. May God bless you!
Spelling error or “enourmous” in “one enourmous hug” coupon….oops! It’s supposed to be “enormous”. These are adorable though!
AHHH! Thank you so much for letting me know, Jessicah. I fixed it. May God bless you!
Love this idea! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Anna
Thank you so much, these cards are lovely. Well thought of, inspiring and very useful. I will be using them with my grandchildren (all 6 of them) when they come to visit. I know they will be excited doing some of the activities. Please pray for me to remain sane during the process (only joking). I’m really looking forward to using the cards. May the Lord continue to inspire and motivate you as you bless others with the gifts and talents he has given you.