I love fall! I love the cooler nights, pumpkins, colorful leaves, the bright blue sky, and hot tea! These printable fall gift tags are a fun way to celebrate fall and brighten someone’s day!

Each gift tag features a greeting on one side and a Bible verse on the other side. There are also pictures in full color on both sides.

These tags print 12 to one sheet of paper, in six different designs. All you need to do is print them double sided, cut them out, punch a hole, and use them.

These gift cards would be perfect to use on a sweet surprise for a neighbor, to label little gifts for Sunday School or Awana students, or tie to candy for trick or treating.

Each set of tags come in CSB, ESV, NIV, NASB, KJV, or NKJV – you pick which Bible version you prefer!

These fall gift tags say: “I am praying that you will know God’s love this season” – with John 3:16 on the other side.
“In this dark season, may you know the light of the world” – with John 8:12 on the other side.

“May God deliver you from all your fears!” – with Psalm 34:4 on the other side.
“May you delight in the Lord this season!” – with Psalm 37:4-5 on the other side.

“I am praying that you will know the Way to God this season.” – with John 14:6 on the other side.
and “I am praying that you will have the gift of eternal life this season!” – with Romans 6:23 on the other side.

This plate shows five of the six designs. Unfortunately, by this point in the photography session my dog was trying to eat the pistachios from an early photo, which are probably poisonous, so I didn’t take the time to get all six designs on the plate.

I hope you love using these fall gift tags as much as I loved designing them! If you do use them, please comment below to let me know how. I am always inspired by your creativity!

May God bless you!