October 8


Printable Job Mini Book

By Anna Joy

October 8, 2020

Help your kids learn the story of Job with this fun printable Job mini book – Easy to make from one piece of paper! This simple craft is perfect to use at home or in a classroom.

This little book features pages that actually flip with drawing, coloring, and dot to dot activities for kids to complete. These books are available in full color or in black and white outline so that kids can color their own.

Click Here to Get Your Copy!

Materials Needed for the Printable Job Mini Book

  • One page template printed for each child
  • Mini Book instruction page printed for the teacher, if desired
  • Scissors (safety scissors for kids OR scissors for adults to assist kids)
  • Crayons, colored pencils, or markers as desired


  1. Cut out the mini book along the dark black lines around the exterior.
  2. Fold down the long center line so that the pictures are on the outside. Unfold. (See image below.)
Help your kids learn the story of Job with this fun printable Job mini book - Easy to make from one piece of paper! Perfect for home or class. | Path Through the Narrow Gate

3. Fold down the short center line so that the pictures are on the outside and crease. (See image below.) Unfold. Fold again on the same line so that the pictures are on the inside and crease. Unfold.

Help your kids learn the story of Job with this fun printable Job mini book - Easy to make from one piece of paper! Perfect for home or class. | Path Through the Narrow Gate

4. Flip the page over so that the blank side is facing up. Fold the edges toward the center and crease. (See image below.) Unfold.

Help your kids learn the story of Job with this fun printable Job mini book - Easy to make from one piece of paper! Perfect for home or class. | Path Through the Narrow Gate

5. Flip the page over so that the pictures are facing down and fold in half along the short center line again. Cut the book (while folded) along the dark black line. Unfold. You will now have a slit in the middle of the book. (See image below.)

6. Fold along the long center line again. (See image below.)

7. Push the two ends of the book towards each other, forcing the pages to buckle away from each other at the long center line. The top of the pages will make a + shape. Crease.

Help your kids learn the story of Job with this fun printable Job mini book - Easy to make from one piece of paper! Perfect for home or class. | Path Through the Narrow Gate

8. Finish by folding the cover over. Crease along the spine.

The mini book is finished! Have your students write their name on the front of the book.

Students can draw Satan accusing Job.

Students can add faces to Job’s three friends and trace around the earth.

Job Bible Story Minibook Craft for kids
Click Here to Get Your Copy!

Will you be using these printable Job mini books? I would love to hear how it goes. Please comment below to let me know.

May God bless you!

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  1. Pertenezco a C.C. Zamar en Coacalco, Estado de Mexico, y actualmente estamos viendo con los niños cada uno de los libros de la biblia, este mes de Febrero, nos tocan los libros poeticos. y se me hizo lindo no solo darle los puntos generales del libro, sino la histoira de Job

    1. ¡Me encanta que estés compartiendo la historia de Job con tus hijos! Ojalá pudiera ofrecer estos recursos en español, tal vez algún día, si Dios quiere. ¡Que Dios te bendiga!

  2. Good story book
    It would’ve been very nice if you had those cut outs, separated and black-and-white so we could copy it and do the same thing

  3. Me encanto este mini libro de Job, precisamente este mes de agosto daremos esta clase, los niños del salón tienen 2 y 3 años, me hubiera gustado que también lo dieran en español pues yo vivo en México, que Dios los bendiga, gracias.

    1. Lourdes, me encantaría ofrecer estos recursos en español algún día, pero no puedo hacerlo en este momento. Un día, si Dios quiere. ¡Que Dios te bendiga!

    1. Jacqueline, puede obtener este recurso en inglés haciendo clic en el botón rosa arriba. Me encantaría ofrecer estos recursos en español algún día, pero no puedo hacerlo en este momento. Un día, si Dios quiere. ¡Que Dios te bendiga!

  4. thank you very much ….God bless you for it is a blessing for me as ateacher and surely the kids will cherish this activity. God bless maam!

    1. Absolutely, Jeannie. If you click on the pink “download” link above my signature above, you can download the minibook. You will want to click on the download or print icons on the top right hand corner of the screen after you click the link. I hope that helps. May God bless you! – Anna Joy

  5. Thank you for sharing your wonderful work, I would love to have a copy. Thank you so much and we are blessed!

  6. Thank you for sharing this little book craft for the lesson I will be teaching on Job and God's faithfulness in my children's church class. Every tool provided to us to help teach these young ones is a gift from God, so I appreciate you serving Him in this way!

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