April 7


Bible Story of Creation Mini Book Genesis Craft for Kids

By Anna Joy

April 7, 2018

Bible Story of Creation Mini Book Genesis Craft for Kids: When I was little, I loved to write “books” – and now my own kids love doing that, too. I think that’s why I love this printable Bible Story of Creation Mini Book so much.

Mini books are so much fun! With one printable page, your child can make a complete story with multiple pages that he or she can actually turn – just like a real book!

Bible Story of Creation Mini Book Genesis Craft for Kids

The Creation Printable Mini Book features one day of God’s creation on each page, taken from Genesis chapter 1. Each page also features a drawing or coloring activity for little hands to work on.

This craft is a perfect way to teach your children the Creation story. It is easy to use in either a classroom or at home. You can print the page in black and white or color, depending on your needs.

Click Here to Get Your Copy!

Instructions for the Bible Story of Creation Printable Mini-Book:

1. Print the 1 page printable. (Click the pink button above to get your copy. The folding instructions are also included in the PDF file).

This Bible Story of Creation Mini Book Genesis Craft for Kids is a perfect way to teach kids the story of God creating the world - great for home or classroom use!

2. Cut the Bible Story of Creation mini book out along the outside black line.

3. Fold the mini book down the vertical center line so that the pictures are on the outside. Unfold.

This Bible Story of Creation Mini Book Genesis Craft for Kids is a perfect way to teach kids the story of God creating the world - great for home or classroom use!

4. Fold the mini book down the horizontal center line so that the pictures are on the outside. Unfold. Fold again so that the pictures are on the inside and unfold, creasing that center line.

This Bible Story of Creation Mini Book Genesis Craft for Kids is a perfect way to teach kids the story of God creating the world - great for home or classroom use!

5. Flip the page over so that the blank side is facing up, then fold the edges in toward the center line. Unfold.

6. Flip the page over so the pictures are facing up and fold in half again. Cut the book (through both sides) at the dark line. Do not cut the dashed line. Unfold

7. Fold along the center line lengthwise again. Push the two ends of the book towards each other, forcing the interior pages to bend away from each other at the center line. Crease the pages.

This Bible Story of Creation Mini Book Genesis Craft for Kids is a perfect way to teach kids the story of God creating the world - great for home or classroom use!
This Bible Story of Creation Mini Book Genesis Craft for Kids is a perfect way to teach kids the story of God creating the world - great for home or classroom use!

8. Your book should look like the picture above. Finish by folding the back cover over the interior pages. Crease along the spine.

This Bible Story of Creation Mini Book Genesis Craft for Kids is a perfect way to teach kids the story of God creating the world - great for home or classroom use!
This Bible Story of Creation Mini Book Genesis Craft for Kids is a perfect way to teach kids the story of God creating the world - great for home or classroom use!
This Bible Story of Creation Mini Book Genesis Craft for Kids is a perfect way to teach kids the story of God creating the world - great for home or classroom use!

The Bible Story of Creation Mini Book Craft features simple coloring and drawing activities on each page to help your kids learn or review what God created each day. The booklet closely follows Genesis chapter one and the first couple verses of Genesis chapter two.

This mini book is available in CSB, ESV, KJV, NASB, NIV, and NKJV Bible versions!

The Bible Story of Creation Mini Book craft is great to use at home, in a classroom, or at church – anywhere you are teaching the Bible story of creation from Genesis! You can print the mini book in full color for a super easy-to-make booklet or print it in black and white outline so your kids can color their own.

Click Here to Get Your Copy!
This Bible Story of Creation Mini Book Genesis Craft for Kids is a perfect way to teach kids the story of God creating the world - great for home or classroom use!

That’s it! Now your Bible story of creation printable mini book craft is ready for your child to complete.

If you use this Genesis craft for kids, I would love to hear how you use it. Please scroll down to comment.

May God bless you!

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  1. Thank you! I did the color. They turned out cute – the kids will enjoy having this to do during church in place of Children's Church!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful mini book. It is greatly helpful for young kids to get to know the bible by making this kind of craft. Many thanks!!

  3. We are going to give these out at this year's Halloween Outreach at our church on October 31st to go with our theme this year, "The Joy of Creation". Thanks so much for making this!

  4. Anna, thank you so much for the free printable, I really really appreciate your generosity to share free files for parents and teachers, you are doing amazing in His Name, He will continue to bless you to be a blessings to so many people, families, chunches. With graceful heart, thank you.

  5. Dear Anna Joy,

    Thank you for creating all you do for furthering God's kingdom towards bringing children to know and Love Him.

    I'm writing also to ask if it is acceptable to use your creation booklet for a primary level Holiday bible club that is learning about God's power in creation on Day 1.

    Could you please confirm if I can use it. It is for a school in a town in India called Vellore. I will only use it if I hear back from you that it's free and can be used.

    Thank you very much,
    In His Vineyard,

  6. Los proyectos están hermoso , pero me hubiese encantado que se encontraran también en idioma español . le felicito uy bueno. por favor publíquelos también en español.

    1. Zulay, muchas gracias por contactarme. Me encantaría tenerlos disponibles en español y portugués. No tengo el tiempo ni los recursos en este momento, pero un día, si Dios quiere. ¡Estoy rezando por esto! Que Dios te bendiga mientras ministras a los preciosos niños que ha puesto en tu vida. – Anna Joy

  7. thank you for this cute book. I will be teaching creation for 2nd week, and there was only one craft with the curriculium, and I thought it needed two weeks for my group. the ages are 1-6 year olds. We are a team of ladies that donate our time once a week for a recovery group, and childcare is provided. Along with fun play time, we teach a Bible truth each week. Another group of volunteers has 2nd grade to middle school .

    1. Oh, wow, Robyn, I am so honored that you could use this craft for that. What an incredible ministry – thank you for volunteering to care for and teach these precious little ones. May God be with you! – Anna Joy

  8. I love this little book! I used it as a take-home project for my Sunday school kids. Parents appreciated the easy to understand instructions.

  9. We’ll start our Sunday School year in September with the Creation and this will be a great activity. Thank you!

  10. I have registered twice by not received the creation booklet pdf in my email. How long does it take as I would love to use it this Sunday..

    Thank so much

    1. Unfortunately, sometimes the email ends up in a spam folder. I’m not sure if that’s what happened, but I emailed you the printable directly to make sure you get it by Sunday. May God bless you!

    2. Thank you so much for your speedy reply Anna.
      The email was in my spam box as you suspected.

      I am so excited about the printout and cant wait to use it tomorrow at Church

      Thank you again

  11. Thank you so much for giving me the perfect gift idea for my Sunday school kids as we treat the last chapter in the creation story.thank you

  12. Dear Sis Anna, You are doing a great work. May God bless your work richly.
    Printed this Mini book about creation & gave it to my sunday school kids. They were very happy.
    So useful for me. Thanks so much. 🙂

  13. I’ve received my email and downloaded the mini book. It’s brilliant! So cute. The kids will love it. Thank you so much.
    Cara ?

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