God’s Love Bible Verse Cards: Looking for a great way to share God’s love? These printable God’s Love Bible Verse Cards are a perfect way to remind someone of God’s love today!

Materials Needed for God’s Love Bible Verse Cards:
Free Printable Love Notes (Sign up in the box above to get your free copy!)
Scissors or paper cutter
A2 Envelopes (4.3 in X 5.75 in or 10.9 cm X 14.6 cm) (if desired)
Crayons or markers (if desired)

Print the love notes. Cut them out. Use them as desired.

These love notes are perfect for Valentine’s Day or any day. Here are some ideas:
Slip a small piece of candy or bookmark in with the note, or tape the note to a new pencil or box of crayons.
Place a note in a special mailbox for a child to find.

Hide the notes around the house, then give your child clues of where to find them.
Slip them under a child’s pillow at night for them to find the next morning.
Send them to a Compassion Sponsored Child overseas.

Use them in place of traditional “Valentines”

Place them in numbered envelopes and use them to count down to Valentines Day or another special day.

How will you use these God’s Love Notes? I would love to hear your ideas. Please scroll down to comment.

I want to use them to send in cards.
I would like the printable God's love Bible verse cards to place in gift boxes.
I’d love a copy of the card
I am putting them in back to school giveaway pencil boxes.
I will use them in Sunday School
I will put them on a ring for the students to take home and memorize.
I would love to display these.
I will use them on a God's Love Letters Bulletin Board.
Happy Valentine's Day
I would like the document please!
Our Preschoolers at church will send them to shut-ins.
God's love Bible verses please.
How are these delivered…via email? I commented but have not received them
I hope to use for valentines cards!
Hope to use for valentines cards!
Could not find the button to push for the free valentine verse cards
I just emailed you, Marsha. May God bless you! – Anna Joy
So excited to use these in my classroom
Awww, I’m so glad you can use them, Kelley. May God bless you! – Anna Joy
I will print and laminate 2 copies and use for a matching game for Children's Church!
I plan to have my Sunday School children pass them out to members of the congregation on this Sunday, along with a candy heart of course. Thank you!
Good morning Anna Joy,
Thank you for the "God's Love Notes".
I work in our church office and each week I mail to approximately 25 of our members/attendees who have been home-bound since the beginning of COVID. Some are frail and elderly and do not have access to internet for livestreaming etc.
Each week they get a copy of Pastor's sermon, an updated prayer guide, a copy of one of our Elders weekly blog and the weekly bulletin. When I get your seasonal "freebies", (I know they are for kids but they're cute) I print them out and put a card or verse in each envelope that goes out.
Just a little encouragement to put a smile on their face and remind them that they are loved and not forgotten.
I also print to give to the kids at church.
Thanks for being a blessing and sharing your gift of love to so many.
Thank you so much for your amazing items you provide! I’m using some of these verse cards for our Mission Night for kids tomorrow. It works perfectly to attach our world eraser to John 3:16!
Hi Anna Joy,
I find your things to be beautiful!
In this time of COVID-19 separation, I am planning to mail some “goodies” to my Sunday school children and youth. We meet on Zoom, and that is great. I email them weekly with craft/activity sheets that relate to our lessons, but I am sure they would like some actual mail.
Thank you for your blessed work,
Awww, I am so glad that you like them, Ronda! May God bless you as you continue to minister to these precious children from a distance!
Hi There,
I’m so grateful for this resource that i can use with the children at Church and school.
would you know when i can get the same sort of resources to make care boxes for adults.
Thank you, Anna Joy for the lovely things you make for our use in Sunday Kids Club and in religious instruction classes in the schools where we teach here in Australia.
Thank you for the easy way you have made for us to print these. It is very helpful! May God bless you.
Awww, you are so welcome. I feel privileged to help even in a small way as you minister to these precious children in Australia. May God be with you. – Anna Joy
I wanted to thank you for all your joy in God’s blessings. Brings to me, my class and grandchildren such enthusiasm and a closer walk with our Father.
I am looking forward to using these for my Sunday School Class and Junior Church for Valentine cards! Always love your ideas and beautiful creations! Thank you for sharing you talents the Lord has given you! God has blessed you, and is being used for the Lord! Thanks again, Dawn
I’m worship leader at Stalham Baptist church on 16th February and will get our children to give a “love note” to each member of the congregation. The website above is the church website.
Thank you! The children in my Children’s Church are going to glue these to envelopes & put them, with letters,in little mailboxes to take to the nursing home. We will add chocolate candy hearts for those who can have them.
Thanks so much, Anna Joy for the free printables Gods Love Notes. It is my turn for Kids Church this Sunday and after the lesson we will be making valentine cards, so these will do as very nice inserts. Thanks again, God bless!
Thank you so much
I love and appreciate all your help
thankyou so much – i love these little printable cards to teach my children and grandchildren – i place them where i know they will see them and read them
keep up the good work Anna Joy and God bless you
Thank you for this timely project. I teach 2nd grade Awana class, and they will love this.
I have a ministry to orphanages and always give the children something special,so I will be attaching the notes to the gift.
During Advent we have a count down that includes scripture. I would love to use these during Holy Week.
I will use them for bulletin board in children’s hall of Sunday school hall and to give to the children.
I love the bulletin board idea, Pamela! Thanks for sharing.
LUVVVVVV your site. Very helpful. Have 1st & 2nd graders for after school program. Adult & family material good, as well. Thanks. LS
I Will be giving them to my Faith Formation students 5&6th graders, 22 altogether.
Great ideas!! I will be printing these off for kids in our children’s ministry and challenge them to give to someone else.
Great ideas!! I will be printing these off for kids in our children’s ministry!
We are going to use the black and white version and get our kids to color them. Then we will have the kids address them, so they learn how to address an envelop and send them to church members and people in the community that do not attend church. We will also put a small piece of candy in the envelop!!
I will use these notecards for thank you notes and for my kids church kids! Appreciate all your printables, have used quite a few for kids church. God bless!
thank you for the free printables.. I have been asked to go into the after school program and talk to 3 girls about prayer. I will use the scripture cards as a gift to each girl and know that God will bless it. God bless you and know that you are blessing others…Love Sherri
That is wonderful, Sherri! Thank you for being willing to minister to these precious girls in that way. May God bless you!
I will be putting the notes in the eggs with the candy.
I love doing special things for the kids that work at my locat McDonald’s resturante.
God Bless You & Yours!
That is such a cool idea, Linda! Thank you for sharing that and for your ministry to these young people that work at McDonald’s. May God bless you.
Thank you very much .printed some ,very nice
I’ve just printed these and I’m going to use them as lunchbox notes. They’re wonderful. Thank you.
These are great! I will be sending these to my compassion kids!
What a beautiful way to use these notes! Thank you, Casey. May God bless you.