September 26


12 Outrageously Fun Road Trip Ideas for OLDER Kids

By Anna Joy

September 26, 2016

My family is going on a long car drive soon…

Which got me thinking… How can I keep my “older” kids (10, 10, and 7) happy in a car for over 5 hours?

Going on a family vacation, Sunday School outing, or youth group trip with older kids? Here are 12 Outrageously Fun Road Trip Ideas for Older Kids.

Here are 12 Outrageously Fun Road Trip Ideas for OLDER Kids. These ideas are perfect for family vacations, Sunday School outings, or long drives with your youth group.

(Just make sure that your kids are looking out the window frequently while they are involved in these games so that they do not become car sick.)

1. Alphabet Game

This is an old game, but lots of fun to play! Look for the letters of the alphabet, in order, as a family or group. Start with “A”. When someone sees an “A” on a road sign, license plate, etc., they call out that letter. Then, everyone starts looking for a “B”.


2. Memorize a Verse

All of that time in a car can be put to good use memorizing a verse. So, grab those Awana books or decide on a verse or passage that you would like to work on memorizing with your family while you drive.

3. Silly Fold and Draw Game

Fold a piece of paper into rectangles. Have one person start a drawing in the rectangle at the top of the page. When they are finished, they  hand the paper to the next person. The next person fills in the second rectangle, adding to the first person’s drawing. Then, the second person folds the paper so that only their rectangle and the empty rectangles below are exposed. Each person takes a turn drawing, but they are only able to see the rectangle and drawing immediately above their own. Continue passing the paper until the last rectangle is used. Unfold the paper and see how your group drawing turned out!

(Need some help getting this game started? There are several silly drawing “starts” in the Road Trip Printable Pack.)


4. Silly Fold and Write Game

This game proceeds in the same way as the Fold and Draw Game, but instead of drawing, you are writing a story. The first person fills in the first prompt if necessary, finishes the sentence in the second rectangle, then begins a new sentence in that same rectangle, adding more detail to the story. He then folds the paper so that only his own rectangle can be seen. The next person writes in the next rectangle, finishing the sentence from the rectangle above and starting his own sentence.  He then folds the paper so that only his own rectangle can be seen. Continue playing until the story is completed. Unfold the story and read it out loud.

(There are several silly story starts in the Road Trip Printable Pack.)


5. Read a Book or Listen to an Audio Story

A long car drive is a great time to enjoy a story together!

6. Take along a Book of Riddles or Jokes

7. ABC’s Memory Game

Another old game! Start by saying, “I am going on a vacation, and I am going to take… (eat, smell, whatever!). Fill in the blank with an item that starts with an “A”. (“I am going on a vacation, and I am going to eat an ‘Apple'”.) The next person must repeat this phrase, including the “a” word and a “b” word. (“I am going on a vacation, and I am going to eat an Apple, and a Banana.”) See how long you can keep this going until someone forgets an item or gets confused.

8. Squiggle Drawings

Have one person make a random squiggle drawing on a blank piece of paper. Hand it to the next person and see if they can make a discernible drawing out of it.


9. “I See” Challenge

Print and make copies of the “I See” Challenge pages from the Road Trip Printable Pack. Each person tries to be the first to “call” an item on the list so that they can mark it off their list. The person to have “called” and marked off the most items at the end of the trip or within the allotted time wins.

10. Make a Printable Notebook

Print one of these fun notebooks and supply your kids with crayons and pencils. These notebooks include crossword puzzles, word searches, and other games relating to Bible verses. They are perfect for elementary aged students.

Teach your children about God's Love with this interactive notebook activity, including mazes, cross word puzzles, and even a turtle search. Perfect for home or classroom use.|Path Through the Narrow

11. Purchased Games

Purchased games can also make a car ride more endurable. Some games you might want to consider are Sudoku, Scattegories, Crossword puzzles, or a book of Mad Libs.

12. Snacks

Don’t forget the snacks! Teddy Grahams, Sunflower Seeds, Dried Fruit, Gummy Packs, Nuts, Juice Packs, and Cookies are all good things to have on hand. Pack them in individual ziplock snack bags so that they are easy to toss them toward the back seat. If you have a cooler, consider including cheese and summer sausage bags or chocolate milk boxes for protein.

Do you have any road trip ideas for older kids? I would love to hear your ideas and suggestions. Please scroll down to comment.

Print the [Road Trip Ideas Printable Pack]

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Photo Attribution:Copyright: vadmary / 123RF Stock Photo
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