March 6


To the Christian Woman Who Is Crippled By Self-Doubt

By Anna Joy

March 6, 2017

Do you ever struggle with self-doubt?

Self-doubt can be crippling. Trust me. I speak from experience on this one.

I have been struggling with so much self-doubt lately.

Do you struggle with self-doubt? Do you feel that God can't really use you? Are you hesitating to step forward because you are afraid that you will fail?

I am not being the wife and mom that I desire to be, and I feel that I am failing my husband and children.

My homeschooling attempts feel completely inadequate.

Grocery shopping and meal preparations have been far from stellar lately. (Last evening after waiting 45 minutes for my rice maker to make the rice, my 8 year old son checked it and informed me that I had never pushed “start”. For Pete’s sake, how hard is it to make rice in a rice maker? I did get dinner on the table – by 7:20 p.m.)

And this blog? I want to write from my heart. I want to encourage and inspire you to keep on teaching your kids about the Bible. But, the last few days I have been so close to closing it down – because I seriously don’t have what it takes to run this blog.

Do you ever struggle with the crippling effects of self-doubt? Do you ever feel like “throwing in the towel” because you just don’t have what it takes to keep on going?

I love how God speaks to us through His Holy Word. Just as I was on the verge of giving up, I read the story of Moses.

The Story of a Major Self-Doubter

Now, Moses was a man who had some serious self-doubt issues.

If you read the story of Moses, you will notice that God’s hand was obviously on his life from birth.

Moses was born into a family of Israelite slaves living in Egypt. According to Pharoah’s law, Moses should have been killed at birth. But, Moses’ mother trusted God and defied the law, finally putting Moses in a basket in a river when she could no longer hide him. Then, according to God’s perfect plan, Pharoah’s daughter found Moses and adopted him as her own son.

So, Moses, the son of Israelite slaves, was brought up and educated in an Egyptian palace.

God was sovereignly preparing Moses to lead His people, Israel. Eighty years later, God came to Moses in a burning bush and told him that it was time for Israel to be freed from the oppression of the Egyptians.

You can almost see Moses excitedly nodding his head in agreement – until God said, “Therefore, come now, and I will send YOU to Pharaoh, so that YOU may bring My people out of Egypt.”

And, Moses did a double-take. “What, ME?”

Here was a man who had already experienced God’s intervention in his life, miraculously preparing him to lead his people. Yet, when the call came, Moses was immediately crippled with self-doubt.

Moses said, “Who am I?” God said, “It doesn’t matter who you are. I am God. I have called you. I will be with you. This is my work and I will see it done.

Moses said, “They will not listen to me.” God said, “This is my message. I will back up your words with miracles and signs that they will not be able to ignore.”

Moses said, “I can’t speak well.” God said, “I made your mouth. I will teach you what to say.

Moses said, “Send somebody else who is better equipped.” And God’s anger burned against Moses.

Do You Struggle with Self-Doubt? Do You Have a Hard Time Believing that God Could Actually Use You?

I don’t know about you, but I am so much like Moses.

I claim to believe that all things are possible with God, but I struggle to believe that God could actually use me. I believe that God can do amazing things through other people – but I know my own heart, my own weaknesses, my own limitations and sinfulness. I’m the one who struggles to make rice in a rice maker, to get dinner on the table before 7:00 p.m.

So, I claim that I am just too… weak, sinful, you name it, for God to use. And, I might even pride myself on my humility as I ignore God’s calling.

When it comes to God’s calling on our lives, self-doubt is nothing but God-doubt and pride.

Because, when God calls us to do something, He is the One Who will do it through us. He is the One Who will give us the strength and grace to get it done. And, in the end, He is the One Who will get all of the glory.

God does not call us to do something without giving us the strength to actually do it.

When God calls us to do something, we will feel inadequate. In fact, it is when we come to the end of our strength, when we see just how limited and weak we really are, when we acknowledge our own great inability, that we learn to lean on God. And, that is when God can use us.

1 Corinthians 1:26-29 reminds us that God often calls us precisely because of our weaknesses.

But our fear and our inadequacies do not give us a pass to not obey God when He calls us to do something beyond our abilities.

Because, it never was about us or our abilities. It is all about God and His abilities.

Dear friend, what is God calling you to do today?

Is He calling you to teach a Sunday School class?

Is He calling you to forgive your husband and give your marriage another chance?

Has He called you to faithfully parent a difficult child?

Has He called you to patiently go over those multiplication facts YET AGAIN as you homeschool your child?

Is He calling you to speak truth into your friend’s life, even though she may not want to hear it?

Has He called you into a period of poor health where all you can do is quietly watch life go by from the background and pray for others?

Is He calling you to a season of denying yourself, working hard, and saving every penny so that you can pay off debt?

Is He calling you to set aside your own desires in order to tackle the dirty dishes in your sink and make dinner – for the ten thousandth time?

God Will Give You the Strength To Accomplish His Purpose In Your Life

I don’t know what God has called you to do today, but I do know that, no matter what His calling, He will give you the strength to accomplish His purpose in your life. He is simply asking you to look to Him.

Look to Him for your strength.

Look to Him to cleanse your heart of sin.

Look to Him when you are exhausted and at the end of your strength.

Look to Him for the endurance and patience you need to continue on.

When you are bewildered and don’t know where to turn, look to Him for the skill and wisdom that you so desperately need.

When you feel like you cannot take one more step, look to Him for the courage to take that next step of obedience. And the next step. And the next step.

The End of the Story

The path of obedience won’t be easy. It wasn’t for Moses. He experienced discouragement, frustration, exhaustion, and foolish moments when he allowed sin to master him.

Yet, when we remember Moses, we don’t remember the fearful whiner of Exodus 4, begging God to send someone else. We remember a strong man of God who walked in obedience during a difficult time and was used of God in a mighty way to bring about a great salvation for an entire nation.

In the end, it wasn’t Moses. It was God. And, it will be God in your life, and it will be God in my life. God will give us the strength to accomplish His calling in our lives.

Today, when self-doubt threatens to cripple you, look to God and replace your self-doubt with God-trust. May He be honored and glorified in your life and mine!

How about you? Are you ready to be done with self-doubt and insecurity? Would you like to take the next step? Check out this Bible study and mentoring group from Arabah Joy. I’ve already signed up. Would you like to join too?

May God bless you!

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  1. Thanks Anna Joy. I’m very glad that this extract was top of my search results for Christian teachings about self-doubt:

    “ When it comes to God’s calling on our lives, self-doubt is nothing but God-doubt and pride.
    Because, when God calls us to do something, He is the One Who will do it through us. He is the One Who will give us the strength and grace to get it done. And, in the end, He is the One Who will get all of the glory.”

    This spoke directly to me and yes I needed it
    putting that bluntly! Thank God that He knows what I need and that he gave you confidence to write that! Xx I pray that you are blessed.

  2. This is so me. I always doubt myself and today in the morning, my husband pointed it out that I need to stop doubting myself and get enough confidence. Ooh Lord. I need you to change me and give me strength from within

  3. Hi Anna! I thank God for using you to help Christians like me who battle with self-doubt. Im a single mom to a 2 year old beautiful girl. I was saved 4 years ago and just when I thought I was already living a God honoring life, God allowed situations to test my faith and that included me getting pregnant out of wedlock. From then on, it was one test to another. From having to raise my child on my own,to losing a job,then to having to leave home and my daughter because of a new job, to financial and parenting struggles..those were just some of it. But I never really doubted God at all. It was faith in Him that pulled me through. But my self doubt never left me. It even came to a point when I was already starting to believe the lies of the enemy telling me that my salvation was just a pretend. I read the bible but I guess I never saw it the way God showed it to you. Yes, it is God who chose me. He chose me not because of what I can or cannot do, but because of what HE can do through me. God is faithful. I still struggle with disobedience but I welcome the lord to change me and align my heart to that of His – im a piece of work. Lol. But its so comforting to remember that all that I am is for God. Your post has given me that kind of encouragement. Thank you again, Anna! May God continue to use you life, your success and struggles, to encourage more Christians like me. God bless you and your family!

  4. Thank you for sharing. Yes, I too doubt after committing sin and basically threw my life away that God is still interested in me. But this morning He gave me Isiah 43 where He says Forget the past and do not dwell on it. I am going to do a new thing, don’t you see. I trust God to really show me my purpose in life again.

    1. Yes, I love that, Alta. I recently heard a quote that said something like “If you think you’ve messed up so badly that God can’t use you, know that you are not that powerful.” God can and will use every heart that is surrendered and turned to Him. May God be with you and bless you, Alta!

  5. Thank you for all you do to encourage people you have never met. I always look out for your emails knowing I have a friend who reaches out to me and it almost always seems when I’m feeling inadequate. Thank you for giving freely what you do. I can just imagine how beautiful your crown will be my friend. Keep enjoying working for HIM is what I share with you because this is my motto to myself. Love, Dannette

  6. Thank you for not giving up and writing this blog. Can’t sleep so I’m on Pinterest (LOVE?)…just so happen upon your story. I have been struggling lately with this same situation. Thank you for reminding me, I have a purpose and a responsibility to keep going. God’s timing is incredible. Thank you ?

  7. This was a great read! I struggle with self doubt often in so many areas. I know the closer I am to God the less I worry about anything or anyone else.

  8. Dear Anna,
    How can I thank you enough for those encouraging words. I thank God for using you just when I needed it most. Yes, I struggle and fight discouragement. I have doubt believing God can still use me in a mighty way. But He is obviously speking through you and what you said was obviously what I needed to hear.
    Thank you so much. May God bless you as you keep trusting Him!

  9. This is at the perfect time. I have been struggling with immense doubt, anger, and grudges lately. Thanks once again Anna Joy! Awesome as always!:)

  10. Thank you for this post. It really helped sum up my feelings and made me want to run to God, to tell him I am sorry for not fully believing in him and that I know all will be in his hands to work, the way he has planned for me. Thank you. I’m truely grateful 🙂

  11. Thank you so much for posting this. I needed this so much at this time in my life. May God continuously bless you for sowing this work for Him to bring deliverance of self-doubt

  12. Hello! My name is Caroline and I’m from Brazil! I apologize if there are some grammar mistakes, but I want to thank you so much for writing this! Lately I have been feeling discouraged and tired about so many things, but after I read this you remembered me of the importance to always seek the answers in Him, no matter what happens! After all, He is all we need! May God bless you!

  13. Thank for speaking truth. This is a new season in my life where God is pushing me to the front. Self doubt says I am not equipped to take on these new responsibilities. Thanks be to God for the reminder that its all for His glory and He will equip me like He did Moses to carry out His will.
    May God continue to bless your ministry.

  14. This is just what I needed to read today. Totally read my mail. In the past I have let this self doubt turn to depression and I refuse to go there again. So with God I will homeschool my children, keep the house clean and have dinner ready. Witness to those around me and live this life I am called to in this time.

  15. Bless you and this blog. I am also a christian mom And wife that deals with this as well. I love reading your story. Kepp up the good work God is using you.

  16. Amazing representation of gods love and trust in us. One question how do we get his love when we have low self-esteem. Thank you for your opinion I loved it!

  17. I’ve been the Administrator of our church plant for over a year now and last Sunday was voted in as the Treasurer. I didn’t run for this office but appointed. Just praying that God will give me the strength and knowledge to be successful. I’ve worked in the medical/dental field for 30 years and I can run circles around their bookkeeping needs but church finances are a lot more complicated. I teach Sunday School, Monday night Nursery and Wednesday night Teen Girls Journey with Jesus for new believers. I also run all the errands, make sure Sunday morning Coffee Bar is taken care of, run the kitchen on Monday nights; making sure we have enough food and drinks for our service and order all supplies, etc.. I love all of this but sometimes I’m afraid I don’t do it well enough.
    Thanks for pointing out these areas in the Moses story of Whose I am! I needed a fresh encouragement this morning!

    1. Whew, Pamela, I got tired just reading that description! Lol. May God give you strength and wisdom for this ministry that you have been given. May God be with you, give you rest when you are weary, encouragement when you are discouraged, and grace to get through each day.

  18. Thank you so much for this I am a moses god has called me to preach the gospel and I am helping my daughter raise her to boys I love the story of moses thank u so much for your blog I no this all to well iv been down this road I’m not only doing better in doubting I’m now where I’m like in a dream like shell shock this is all getting ready to unfold numb again thank u

  19. I am feeling guilty of whom I became in the last couple of months as a wife and as a mother, self-doubt in who am I and do the Lord know me still? So many voices in my head telling me that I am such a terrible person & worthless to be used by the Lord… drifting away from God due to shame of whom I became, but also staying at His feet, holding on with the little bit of strength that is still left in me.
    I remembered about a blog of yours sended to me from a friend, going onto your blog and came to this beautiful piece, reminding me of who I am and who is the great ” I AM” and that my strength comes from Him alone. While reading this I was reminded by the Holy Spirit of a beautiful verse reading:
    “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever ~ PS76:26”
    Thank you for your obedience and to know that I am not the only mother/wife that struggle with real life issues. May God bless you continually and I have just become a regular on your amazing blog.

  20. I have so much self doubt right now its unreal. I clicked Pinterest and this post was the first thing I saw tonight. Ive been researching starting a blog but have had so many doubts come from that, I homeschool and doubt I’m doing a good job, parenting period I doubt myself… Just so many aspects. This post made me also think of other accounts such as Abraham and Zechariah and it definitely helps being reminded God is no stranger to our doubts and that he is still there and will be our voice when we cant speak, such as with Moses. I’m most certainly going to be working on replacing my self-doubt with God-trust. Thank you for this. ?

  21. There is not a woman on the face of this earth that hasn’t felt like this. I really liked how you admitted to your own insecurities and then led us to the Bible and Moses. I have just done this lesson with my Sunday School class. We did a whole class on Moses excuses. We came to the same conclusion…if God is calling you to do something, then he will help you do it. You did a wonderful job of explaining it all in your article. I hope you keep encouraging people the way this article encouraged me. Blessings to you.

  22. Doubt is a natural part of faith. A successful faithful life is not over until it is over. Living through periods of doubt is what increases faith, and we are not alone in this. it was this way from the very beginning. The term, “doubting Thomas” is from the account in The Gospel of John about Thomas the Apostle. He was a disciple of Jesus, who doubted Jesus’ resurrection and demanded to feel Jesus’ wounds before being convinced. Thomas is listed as an apostle in the other three Gospels, but it is only in John we learn about his lack of faith. In Matthew chapter 28, we learn that he wasn’t the only one.

    Excerpt From: Mike Stair. “The World’s Favorite Bible Verses.”

  23. Thank you!! I came across this on Pinterest. I have been struggling with is this really God vs is this what I want in my life. This has popped into my feed at perfect time.

  24. Thank you So much for this – I can’t tell you how much this just spoke straight to my heart reminding me about Moses’ story and trusting God through a difficult season. Thank & Bless you!

  25. I really needed to hear this tonight as I was just talking with someone about how I can’t find my purpose and doubt. I’m so blessed to have come across this. Thank you so much

  26. Thank you so much for sharing this. So many times I struggle with self doubt with everything. A full time mom, Fostermom, wife, youth pastor/leader, work part time, and I homeschool. This really ministered to me especially in this tough season I am in. Again Thank you ❤

    1. You are so welcome, Tiffany. I love how God comes alongside us and encourages us when we need it most. What a privilege it is to serve such a loving God. May God bless you!

  27. Thank you this was very encouraging to me. I am always doubting myself. In all things I feel as though I always fall short. My whole life I have felt like this. I never compare what I go through to what Moses was like but it’s true and God still used him. Amen thank you.God is good he will give me what Need to do his will.

  28. Thank you so much for writing this. I’m experiencing one of those seasons that I never thought in my life I would ever have to live through. I’m 20 years old, about to be divorced from a physically abusive marriage, I’m taking a break from college so I can just get my life together. And so many times I find myself feeling like a failure. But reading this brought so much comfort. God’s plans will always perservere over our own. So thank you again because I so desperately needed to read that in this moment of my life. God bless your ministry sister! ❤️

    1. Oh, Kaleigh, I am praying for you! May God give you strength, courage, and wisdom as you navigate this difficult time. I can’t even imagine what you are going through, but I am so impressed by your courage and faith. If you are looking for some encouragement, I would recommend looking up and – two blogs written by women who have gone through similar situations to what you are facing and have overcome and are being used by God. May God bless you and give you peace and hope!

  29. I came accross this blog post by the direction of the Holy Spirit. May sound weird to some, but I truly believe it. I thank you for writing it and allowing God to use you to speak truth to so many of us. I needed this so much and the impact you made today is so wonderful I can only say God bless you and please continue your ministry.

  30. I have been unhealthy for some time. I have said numerous times, I feel like I am sitting and watching the world go by. I pray to God that he will heal me, give me motivation and the energy to enjoy life. I feel God is using you to get his word to me, to stop complaining and trust him! Thank you for sharing this Blog!

    1. Thank you so much for writing this. My
      14-month old son fell today playing outside while I was busy doing something else and gave himself a big goose egg
      In his forehead. I’ve been feeling like a complete failure as a mom – if I’d been watching him more closely then I could’ve stopped him from falling. My mom found this on Pinterest and sent it to me and it really spoke to me. I’ve truly got to trust that God gave me this child and He knows I can take care of my son with His help. It’s not me raising him, it’s the Lord, and for that to God be the glory!

  31. I “stumbled” upon this on Pinterest as I was searching for a specific bible study, and it was clearly God’s plan for my time this morning. I consistently struggle with self-doubt as it relates to going back to school to earn my Masters degree and I keep pushing it aside and wondering if I can truly do it; although the great desire God placed in me to help people in this capacity continues to burn inside of me. Thank you for this reminder!!! I also pray that God continues to remind you of his faithfulness and his promises as you continue to pour out and encourage other women. God bless you!!!

    1. Tiffani, what a testimony to God’s goodness. I love your desire to serve others. I know that God will use you as you surrender to His will and do what seems impossible. May God bless you and show you His love and faithfulness in a special way.

  32. Thank you so much for your honesty and for putting this out there. I really, really needed to read this and be reminded, as you mentioned, for the tenth-thousand time. God bless you, keep writing. May God continue to strengthen you with His love and grace.

  33. Thank you for sharing this. I believe God directed me to your blog this morning. I’m just starting a new job as a new teacher in an inner city public school and I’ve been so anxious and filled with self doubt that I feel like if I continue like this I’m headed for a nervous break down. I cried out to God (you know how sometimes you pray to God and expect to feel better right away…and that doesn’t happen so you wonder if He was even listening) and then I read this and it reinforced something that occurred to me last night: I can’t but God can. Just like Moses, David, Joshua, Peter, Paul and all the other examples in the bible, I am but a vessel through which God pours His grace to reach other people. All I have to do is be open to let that grace flow. God will do the rest.

    1. Yes! I love that thought, that we are but vessels. Thank you so much for sharing this. I am praying for you as you start teaching school. I know that God will use you in these kids’ lives. May God be with you and give you wisdom and courage for each day.

  34. Thank you for writing this blog! I found it at a time in life that I really need it. You are an inspiration that despite your doubts, your faith stays strong. Thank God for choosing you to spread His word!

  35. Has He called you into a period of poor health where all you can do is quietly watch life go by from the background and pray for others?
    this really hit me cause he has called me in poor health watching the world go but and all i can do to pray for others i thought this was anything but a calling I am doing school 1st time in 40 years i want to throw in the towel, your words [God through you] has encouraged me to try to go once more to class just once more just to take one step then one step and so on Self doubt not only cripples me but stops me in my tracks

  36. I was just about to give up. Did give up in my heart really. I just called out to God and then went to Pinterest to mindlessly scroll through and forget my troubles.

    And God answered me with your post.

    Thank you for Lord for Your enduring love, patience and direction… always reaching out to me in Your perfect way!!!

    And Anna, thank you so much letting Him use you to speak to others! Blessings to you and your family 🙂

  37. Excellent, post about self doubt, love the scripture references. Keep up the wonderful work. As a mother of 3 3 adopted foster children I occasionally wonder if I am the right person for the job. I now know I am, thank you.

  38. Yes I struggle with self-doubt continually. Like I should’ve done more of a lot of things. I doubt what to say or write. Your blog gives me encouragement to know and remember that even others in the Bible like Moses had doubt.
    Thank you,

  39. Good morning, after reading your blog i realize that self doubt is something that i struggle with alot. God has place a Christian mime grouy in my hands and i have felt unqualified to do the job because i say i dont know what i am doing, i dont know much about this, i dont have creativity to build a choreography . But after reading your blog i know that God and the holy spirit is in control and He will be the one that leads.

  40. Hallo
    Thank you for your blog.I also struggle with self doubt.I also believe God can do everything,but me??No no no…lol.Thank you for the encouragement.I just have to believe..God bless you!!Nadine(mom of 2 in South Africa)

      1. WOW there seem to be a lot of self doubters I’m seeing from the comments. So glad it’s not just me. I feel so completely inadequate to do what I know I need to do, it’s made me feel very resentful the last few weeks. I definitely needed to read this. Thank you so much and God bless

  41. Anna, thank you for your post. Long story short, my husband lost both parents in the past year. I feel very inadequate in being the only family he has left. Your post and the scriptures have given me strength for this day. At the service for his father yesterday, one of the Pastors said to us, the hardest storms produce the brightest rainbows. God is faithful to us all. Prayers for you today and all the women who struggle to get dinner on the table by 7 pm. When I do, you would think I had just won the lottery, lol.

    1. “The hardest storms product the brightest rainbows” – I love that! And, I love your reminder of God’s faithfulness. Thank you so much for sharing this. May God be with you, encourage you and strengthen you as you walk through this difficult time with your husband. I am praying for you.

  42. I wanted to cry reading this, this has been my whole life!!!’i love the real and raw truth in your words. I am so encouraged!!! I’m an saving this post and it will be what i medidate on for the next few weeks! I just hope it doesnt take 80yrs for me, LOL

    thanks for this, its made a huge impact on me

  43. Needed to see this!! Thank you. Don’t give up in you’re calling we are equipped with everything that we need to fulfill Gods plan for us!

  44. Thank you for this article! I really needed it today, that it is not my strength or abilities, is God’s! We need to keep going trusting the King of Kings and His perfect will. Have a great weekend. God bless.

  45. Thank you so much for this needed pep-talk! I pray you’re enjoying your summer vacation time and gaining strength for an other year of homeschooling!

  46. I believe rice makers are over rated. I don’t use mine because it is easier to make in on the stove. ; ) Take heart love you have your hands full of God’s blessing raising your beautiful gifts from God. I have been where you are and I can appreciate your feelings of self doubt. I am 60 years old and still struggle. I think God intended to have you write this for me. I needed it and need to step out in faith trusting God will catch me if I fall. I should have done this 3o years ago. Thanks for writing.

  47. I have struggled so much with self-doubts throughout my life but only recently realized it was really God who I was doubting. It’s a horrifying yet humbling feeling to recognize such subtle sin within yourself. The enemy stops at nothing to bring us down, and self-doubts are his calling card.
    Thank you for sharing your heart!!

    1. Yes, Elizabeth, well said! I have struggled so much with this. May God bless you with the grace to trust Him and His love and to not listen to the Enemy. God is so good!

  48. Thank you for writing this. We have two teen boys and a 5 year old. I seriously thought, as my alarm went of (at 5 am), I can’t mom today. Everything has been chaotic lately. I didn’t finish dinner until 8 last night! My husband is on the midnight shift, one son had knee surgery,the other knocked both front teeth loose… need I go on?
    Thank you for your beautiful words. Such encouragement to take with me, during the crazy day ahead. Your blog is wonderful! It changed my entire perspective today.
    Thank you and God bless

    1. Oh, Staci, I am right there with you this morning. May God be with you and give you strength and grace to get through today. And tomorrow. And the next day. We can only do this through Him! I will be praying for you today. May God bless you!

  49. Hi Anna,
    I would like to start off by saying you DO have what it takes to run this blog. I stumbled across your website after being on Pinterest for the past hour trying to find information on how to start studying the bible with my little ones. Another hour has passed with me soaking up what you have to offer on your website ?. I truly love what God has put on your heart to blog, especially this article. I struggle with self doubt daily. With being a mom to little ones, having a career that takes up at least 40 hours of my week, along with trying to be that partner, or friend, or co worker, or daughter, or sister that is supposed to be the one that has it all together (in their eyes) because I’ve excepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior….I struggle with self doubt. As much as I spend time in the word daily and ask the Lord to guide and take control of every area of my life, and know that he’s there..I still struggle with self doubt. Reading this has helped me look at things differently and reminds me that the Lord is at work and does not sleep.
    Thank you for writing this. May God continue to bless you in all that you do.
    (BTW this is my first time leaving such a personal comment on a blog, but I felt that you needed to know how much of inspiration you mean to me)

    1. Genevieve, thank you so much for this encouragement. I really appreciate it. May God be with you and bless you as you seek to teach your children His Word and be used of Him in your relationships – even when you are exhausted or doubtful. I am praying for you!

  50. Thank you for writing this! In July of last year, after much prayer, I stepped into a new job. It has been a challenge to say the least. I constantly feel “out of my league” and struggle with the thoughts of “I’m not enough”. I got up this morning and went to Pinterest to look up scripture and this article popped up. Glad I read it. I needed to be reminded that God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. I will approach today with a new sense of expectancy to see how God will use me today. Again, thank you and please remember to pray for me as I will pray for you.

    1. I am praying for you, Nikki! May God be with you and help you to grow in faith even as you are stretched in this new job. He is such an amazing God, worthy of our worship! He can get us through. May God bless you!

  51. I really struggle with self doubt. I have for quite sometime. I surrendered my life to Christ in 2009, and God delivered me from crack cocaine, along with other countless addictions. I love the Lord with all my heart, and my soul. Because I know if it had not been for Him, where would I be. I feel unworthy of His love. How can He (God) use someone like me. I’m a failure. I’ve failed as a wife (a praying wife). I’ve failed as a mother (a praying mother). When asked to speak about different things at church, I fumble, I don’t know how to speak in front of people. I was asked to pray before our Sunday morning worship service, (I think it was a trial run) I had just joined that ministry. Every since then, I haven’t been asked to pray anymore. Could it be, I didn’t pray as well as they expected me to? I don’t know!! But it has plaqued my mind. I love the church that I’ve joined, not sure if they love me. This is just a sample of my self doubt. I could go on and on…

    1. Shirley, I am praying for you! I do not know if this helps or not, but please know that you are not at all alone in this self-doubt. I grew up in Brazil, where my parents were serving as missionaries. I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior at a very young age. Your story and my story are completely different, yet so much the same in how Jesus is working in our hearts. I struggle with self-doubt all the time. Sometimes, I even struggle with self-doubt as I share my testimony because I don’t have an obvious, dramatic change in my life. And, I am a terrible public speaker. Just throwing that out there. I feel like I fail my family all the time. That’s why I was so encouraged by the story of Moses – He struggled with self-doubt too, but look what God did in his heart! Look at how God brought him around and helped him overcome this sin, changed Moses’ focus, and used Moses to shape the entire future of his people. Please be encouraged, Shirley. Then, look for the ways that God is uniquely calling you to serve in this church. Maybe you could even ask others what strengths they see in you and where you could use those strengths, to get some ideas? (For example, maybe you are gifted in encouraging others? Or making visitors feel welcome? Or baking cookies for church functions?) May God be with you and help you to grow in Him until He is all that you see and you find peace from these self-doubts!

  52. this is so true…. He Has He called me into a period of poor health where all I can do is quietly watch life go by from the background and pray for others?
    People say look to God but then they don’t tell you actually how to go about it
    I feel like giving up
    thankyou for your article tho it was an eye opener

    1. I don’t understand what it is like to struggle with long-term illness, but I do know what it is to face discouragement, disappointment, and even seasons of depression. I think that when we feel like giving up, “looking to God” and even “faith” is just getting up each morning, spending time in God’s Word, and then going about our day. Honestly, there are times when getting up in the morning and facing a discouraging situation or uncertainty is a HUGE step of faith. And, continuing to pursue a relationship with God even when things are difficult is another HUGE step of faith. I will be praying for you!

    2. God has been teaching me so very much about my identity being found in Him and His love this year, as I have struggled with major self doubt for so many years. For anyone who needs encouragement, could I suggest to you reading verses on how much God loves you out loud, even daily, as you start to memorize them that way without even really trying. One of the ones that has become the most precious to me is Jeremiah 31:3, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you. ” And spend time dwelling on that, not just saying it or reading it, as well as thanking God for that love that is ALWAYS there for us. The more these truths really sink in then. If you type in google, verses on God’s love for us, it will bring up a ton of websites with lots of verses. He loves you so much my sister.

  53. Thank you God for Your word. This blog came at the perfect time, Gods timing is perfect. May He continue to Bless you with His strength and courage.

  54. Beautiful, powerful, encouraging commentary! I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have doubts…my trap is that I try to dig in with my own strength and determination when I’m doubting, only to fall even harder. I love the example of Moses (one interpretation was that he was an introvert!), because he was arguably the most influential person in the Old Covenant but only because God chose to use him. It’s humbling and empowering at the same time. Thanks for taking the time to write this!

  55. Thank you for not giving into self-doubt! I have always struggled with this too and it is encouraging to know I am not alone. I can relate to almost everything you have ever posted, but I’m sorry I don’t always comment on them. So the next time you feel unsure of what you are writing here, please remember that there are people like me that were quietly encouraged or challenged by something you said, but our busyness or our own self-doubt might keep us from actually typing a reply. You are a blessing and you may not truly understand the impact you have made on others until you leave this world. Have a blessed day and I look forward to reading your next post!

  56. Thank you for not giving up. Thank you for perservering and enduring. Thank you for sharing your moments of weakness. Thank you for seeking God and sharing His glory.

    Your message as truly been a message from God directed towards me. I want to share how you were His vessel.

    As a homeschool mom I struggle with patience, attitude, vs state requirements and what the boys actually know compared to their “grade level”. See i’m always for grasping concepts before moving on, however my pressure of “time” is always driving me to brinks of anxiety.

    Last year I spent months researching a history currciculium that would focus on God, be enlighting to the boys while fulfulling state requirements. I was excited to find my prayers answered. Yet when the year started i was hestitant to use and actually did not pick it up for months. Once I did I could not understand why I hadn’t and was upset with myself that I was “behind” to complete in our designed school year. Well a third of the way through I became distraught once again over history and a new search began. Time was taken away from my boys, husband, and household responsibilies all in the name of the perfect history program. I spoke with companies about their books and countless moms from Facebook I never met, to moms within my own co-op and nothing was settling. I prayed but I could not discern if my answers were my own or from God. Finally last night (litetally) I decided I would be obdient with this year and continue on with what I had and hope it was right according to God.

    This morning I wake to a gloomy, rainy day and try to remind myself this isnt “gloom” this is a cleansing a day of renewal. My youngest son decided to tackle school before breakfast and a half hour before our designated “start time”. So I decided to accept the challenge and teach in my PJs and read my devotional emails when time permitted. It was during a rare opportunity I seen your email about why you chose not to stop blogging and made a chose to read your article when time permitted. A choice I will forever be grateful for!

    Often I have looked back on Moses and how he question God on “what are You thinking” debate and seen myself and I was amazed how this was so relevant to myself in my current self-doubting homeschool dilema.

    Thank you for this reminder. I am choosing to be obdient to God in all of our homeschool teachings, including history.

    I pray you have a fabulous day and know you are not the only mom who has dinner completed by 7:30.

    Your sister in Christ, Valerie

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement, Valerie! I am praying for you right now as I write this, that God will give you the strength to get through what He has called you to do today – even history! (And, we should start a late dinner club! Lol. The good thing about serving dinner so late is that my family is starving by that point and willing to eat anything.)

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