We’re going camping this summer, which got me thinking about flashlights… This “The Bible is My Light” Spinner will serve as a visual reminder to your kids and mine that God’s Word is our light in a dark world.

Materials Needed for “The Bible is My Light” Spinner:
- One copy of the flashlight page and one copy of the bottom circle page for each student.
- Scissors
- A paper fastener or brad for each student
- Crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers, if desired.

Have your kids cut out both circles, cutting into the flashlight circle along the outer lines. (If your kids aren’t old enough to manage scissors, have an adult help them!)

If you students are making the black and white outline version, have them color the flashlight and the pictures as desired. When finished, have them color the circle behind the flashlight a dark gray or black. Have them color the background of the other circle a light yellow.
Stack the flashlight circle on top of the yellow circle. Use a paper fastener or brad to attach the flashlight circle to the yellow circle, pushing the brad through the dot on the flashlight. To make sure that everything is lined up, hold the circles up to the light – you should see that the black dot is directly over where the circle lines intersect on the bottom page.

Twist the flashlight to play with the spinner.
Light Spinner Verses
This craft features these five Bible verses:
Proverbs 6:23 – For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching a light, and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life.

John 8:12 – Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Psalm 119:105 – Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Matthew 5:16 – In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Ephesians 5:8 – for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.

Will you be using this “The Bible is My Light” Spinner? If so, I would love to hear how it goes! Please scroll down to comment.
May God bless you!

How do I get the pdf for this craft? I don’t no how to pay for this I’d love to use this Sunday with my toddlers
Anna; As always so excited to use this project in my class. I have a family that have 7 children and they are not always able to come to church, because of a distance of 70 miles of traveling. I have been able to share so many wonderful crafts and lessons with them, via mail. Thanks so much for your dedication to helping us pass on God's Love to these precious souls, through your materials.
Eight children at church have received Jesus as Lord and Savior…thank you Jesus. I tweeted your John 3:16 finger puzzle to make it more personal…where they could use their name in the verse…For God so loved John that He gave His only Son that if John believes in Him John shall not perish but have everlasting life. John:316. Don’t know if you could use this idea but thought I’d share it. Thank you for all you do to get God’s word into the children’s heart…and I really appreciate how generous/ very reasonable you are with your materials…you are bring glory and praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Lord, bless Anna and continue to use her for Your glory and the encouragement of other. Amen
Hollis, thank you so much for sharing this idea and for the encouragement. I so much appreciate you! May God bless you as you share His love with these precious children!
Very delightful ideas. Kids can understand and apply to their lives
We enjoy your little bible crafts so much! It just adds the extra needed to go along with our bible lessons. Thank you!
Awwww, you are so welcome, Jackie. I am so glad you can use these crafts! May God bless you.
Thank you so much for this activities.. it's a big help for my Sunday school..
God bless
Thank you sooo much! I don't always get a chance to explore your ideas thoroughly but I knew I wanted this one for sure!
I want to thank you for this. I am a Sunday School teacher and we are a real small church so they are older so if they bring their grandkids I have to have a lesson plan. But my great grand son comes to visit so I will also you it with Bentley. Again thanks.
Anna, this is such a creative idea….thanks for sharing and for helping us teach the children about Jesus!
Anna, what a creative idea…the kids will love this activity! Thank you for everything you do to help us teach about Jesus!
I teach the 4-5 year olds in Jr. Church. I am SO glad I found you a couple years ago! Your projects and lessons have come in so handy. The children always love the projects. Thank you for all your hard work which makes our work much easier. Praying God blesses you and your family in a very big way.
Thank You again !! You have been a Blessing to us as we try to grow back up after so many have left.
The past crafts that i Got from you was a big hit with the kids. I am going to make sure that the teacher who teaches children's church gets this craft for her as the other teacher is getting her stuff off of the internet now.. Thank You for all the Blessings you have given to our Church at this time. May God continue to Bless you in all you do .
Chris Howard
Slaughterville Baptist Church
You have the best ideas for children. I teach 4-5 yr old in Sunday School. I so love your projects and have been able to use several. Sometimes I have to make them a little easier to those little hands, but they are great ideas. thank you for sharing. God bless your ministry and please keep sharing.
This is awesome! It's hard to find quality and easy crafts for this subject without having to pay a pretty price. Thank you and God bless!
Thank you so much Anna!! I love this craft….I appreciate all of your bible resources….they are wonderful ❤