When I first started teaching Sunday School a couple of years ago, I wanted to challenge my kids to come to class regularly, bring their Bibles, and do their best to memorize the Bible verses.

In order to make it fun, I set up a point system, complete with a “store” every few weeks offering prizes. Each prize could be purchased with points earned for being present, bringing a Bible, and saying the verse.
Of course, that meant I had to keep careful attendance records. Surprisingly, I was not able to find any predesigned attendance sheets that fit my needs. So, I made my own. I’m hoping that these Sunday School attendance cards will come in handy for you, as well.

These Sunday School attendance cards are designed to be printed on regular 8.5 X 11 inch paper or cardstock, double sided. You will get two cards per page.
The front of each card acts as the attendance record, with columns to record whether your kids brought their Bibles and said the verse that week. You can write a check mark in the columns or use small stickers.

(Totally off topic – Not all kids have their own Bibles to bring, so we had a stack in the back of the classroom for kids who might not have a Bible or forgot to bring it. BUT, in order to get credit for bringing a Bible, they had to be responsible to grab a Bible from the stack before the lesson started.)
There is also a blank column on these cards in case you have something you need to add for your own class.

The back of each Sunday School attendance card includes space for recording information about the student, including parents’ or guardians’ names, emergency phone number, address, birth date, grade level, allergies, and any other notes. This is information is great to have on hand. These cards also make it easy for a substitute teacher to find this important information.
You could ask parents or guardians to fill out this side of the card when they first drop off a student.

You can also edit or fill out the cards on the computer before printing.
Punch a hole in these cards and keep them on a binder clip or place them in a box.
I hope these Sunday School attendance cards are a blessing to you. Click the link below to download your own FREE copy.
Download the Attendance Cards

If you do use them or have any suggestions, I would love to hear your thoughts. Please scroll down to comment.

May God bless you.

Thank you so much for this. I've been looking for something like this. I tend to make everything too complicated, so I get stymied by this need.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I'm going to be using it in my Sunday school class. May you have a beautiful blessed summer.
Thank you
I love this idea and will implement it in my Sunday class. Thank you.
I would love to see a class attendance chart that the kiddos could add a sticker on the weeks they are present. I love your designs. So very sweet!
Yes! Thanks for the idea, Sherry. I will consider that. You can also add stickers to these attendance cards, as well – and I LOVE that they have important safety info on the back. I’m just disorganized enough to not have access to that when it is on a separate sheet. Thanks again for the idea! May God bless you.
I love these attendance cards. And the kids loved the memory verse craft. We have used several of them and they are always a hit. Praying that this coronavirus gets over soon so school will start and once again get together for Good News Club.
Oh, Jackie, I am praying for that, too! May God bless you as you minister to these precious little ones.