June 5


A Vision for Family Bible Study

By Anna Joy

June 5, 2017

For my thirtieth birthday, my husband took me to see the Celtic Woman perform at a live concert. This event re-awakened a desire that I have had since childhood – to learn to play the violin.

The next year, I purchased a used violin off of Craigslist and a beginner’s violin book. I had never even handled a violin before, but I really wanted to learn how to play.

I knew that it would be rough going – I mean, who picks up the violin as an adult? People told me that I was too old to learn. I didn’t have money for lessons. I squeaked and squawked. I sounded awful!

Four years later, and I’m still playing. I sound a little better – but not much. The violin has a reputation for being hard to play, and its not undeserved.

People practice the violin for years before it starts sounding good. It is so easy to get discouraged!

I have learned, though, that on those days when I don’t even feel like picking up the violin, when I feel like it is all pointless, there’s only one thing to do:

Go to You Tube.

Because, on You Tube, I can watch Mairead Nesbitt play. And, when I see her play, I recapture the vision of what the violin can sound like. I am inspired to keep practicing in the hopes that someday, with enough practice, I will be able to play a few of the songs that she plays.

When things get hard, when we are discouraged, when people are telling us that we will never make it, we need a vision, we need inspiration to keep on going.

In fact, in Proverbs 29:18, the Bible tells us, “Where there is no vision, the people parish.” (KJV) or “Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint.” (NIV)

When there is no vision, no goal, no revelation, we are going to cast off restraint. We are not going to discipline ourselves to achieve something hard.

We will not follow through in obedience. We will not have the joy of seeing our work come to fruition.

Dreams will parish, opportunities will die, and we will be left with disappointment and regret.

It doesn’t have to be this way, though, because there is a huge BUT in the middle of this verse. (I know, that’s not something I could say to a group of third grade boys, but hang with me here.)

KJV says: “BUT he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” NIV says: “BUT blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.”

When we have a vision and discipline ourselves to achieve it, we will experience the blessedness of heeding wisdom’s instruction, of disciplining ourselves to accomplish our goal, of finding life and joy in God’s Word.

If you have committed to teaching your kids about God and the Bible, you are going to face discouragement along the way.

You will need a vision to help you keep going.

Do you have a vision for family Bible study that you can cling to when the going gets tough?

How would your children’s lives be changed by hearing about God’s love and plan of salvation over and over again…. from you?

How would your relationship with your children and your spouse improve if you were regularly seeking to grow in your faith together?

How would your family values, priorities, and schedules change if you were truly on fire spiritually?

What would it be like to watch your children and grandchildren come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ through the words of the Scripture – and know that you will be able to spend an eternity in heaven with them, worshiping God together?

And,  what might your life and the lives of your children look like if you don’t make the Bible a priority in your home?

None of these things are going to come quickly or easily.

But, these things are totally worth fighting for, aren’t they?

We can’t get our vision for family Bible study from You Tube. But we can get it from God Himself.

Here’s what you can do today:

Click on one of the links below. On these pages, you will find eight different verses that offer a vision for family Bible study. Ask God to impress at least one of these verses on your heart. Memorize it, meditate on it, pray over it.

Ask God to speak to your heart through His Word and to make this verse your vision when it comes to family Bible study.

Family Bible Study Verses in KJV

Family Bible Study Verses in NIV

Family Bible Study Verses in ESV

Do you long to help your kids to have spiritual wisdom and understanding, the knowledge of God’s will so that they can live lives that would please God? Claim Colossians 1:9-10

Would you love to walk into a room and hear your kids discussing Bible questions? Claim Deuteronomy 6:6-7.

Would you love to see your kids come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ because of the wisdom that they have received from YOU faithfully teaching them the Bible? You can find this vision in 2 Timothy 3:14-15. (By the way, Timothy was probably not taught by his father, and we’re not sure why, but his mom and grandma filled the gap in his life. [2 Timothy 1:5] Even if you do not have the “perfect” family situation, you can still teach your kids!)

I don’t know which of these verses that God will use to speak directly to your heart. But I pray that you will find your vision for family Bible study in His Word.

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May God bless you!

Do you long to make family Bible study a reality in your home? Sign up below to receive a FREE downloadable family Bible study workbook, plus a simple, no-prep PLAN to help you get started with family Bible study today.

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