August 4


Help Kids Memorize Bible Verses with This Fun Game that EVERY Bible Teacher Needs!

By Anna Joy

August 4, 2022

If you help kids memorize Bible verses, you need the Bible Memory Verse Erase Game in your back pocket. Honestly. If I could give ONLY ONE game to a new Bible teacher, this would be it.

Help kids memorize Bible verses with this fun game that EVERY Bible teacher needs in their back pocket. Perfect to use with any Bible verse!

If you know me or follow my posts at all, you know that I love to use variety and active games when I teach my students. However, this game was the one standby game that I used in my own class almost every single Sunday to help my students memorize the Bible verse quickly. While I often used this game in preparation for another memory game, this game was truly my go-to game for helping my students memorize Bible verses.

Here’s why I love this game:

  • It is super easy to set up – and you most likely already have everything you need to play it!
  • You can use this game with any Bible verse.
  • Your kids will really learn the Bible verse!

I was often amazed at how well my students could quote a Bible verse after playing this game. Many kids don’t have the support to learn a Bible verse at home, so watching kids learn a Bible verse in class is precious. God’s Word changes lives!

Help Kids Memorize Bible Verses with the Bible Memory Verse Erase Game

Kids memorize Bible verses through repetition. It’s that simple. Repetition is essential to help kids learn Bible verses.

However, kids also have different learning styles. Some kids are auditory learners. Hearing the Bible verse over and over again will help them learn it quickly. Other kids are visual learners. They need to see the verse to learn it. Finally, some kids are kinetic learners. They learn through movement and need to move to truly get their brains working and learning.

The Bible Memory Verse Erase Game works because it links repetition with all three learning styles. Auditory learners can hear and say the verse over and over again. Visual learners are seeing the verse on the board and paying attention as words disappear. And, kinetic learners are getting physically involved, with a chance to come up and erase the words.

And, most kids really enjoy the process of coming up to the front of the room and getting to choose which words to erase.

How to Play the Bible Memory Verse Erase Game

Help kids memorize Bible verses with this fun game that EVERY Bible teacher needs in their back pocket. Perfect to use with any Bible verse!

Write the verse out on the dry erase or chalk board. I usually do this before class starts, so that the board is ready to go. If I am teaching young children or early readers, I may try to use some symbols or simple pictures in place of some words. For example, instead of writing the word “gift”, I might draw a rectangle with a ribbon to look like a present in place of the word “gift”. Don’t forget to include the Bible reference.

Help kids memorize Bible verses with this fun game that EVERY Bible teacher needs in their back pocket. Perfect to use with any Bible verse!

When you are ready to play the game, say the verse together with your class two to three times to get your students familiar with the verse and any pictures or symbols you may have drawn.

Help kids memorize Bible verses with this fun game that EVERY Bible teacher needs in their back pocket. Perfect to use with any Bible verse!

Next, choose a student and invite him or her to come up and erase one or two words of his or her choice.

If your verse is long and your students are few in number, you will want to have them erase two words. If your verse is short and your students are many, than just have them erase one word. You may have two students come forward and each erase one word to keep the game going, if needed.

Help kids memorize Bible verses with this fun game that EVERY Bible teacher needs in their back pocket. Perfect to use with any Bible verse!

Once the words are erased, have the student or students return to their seats, then say the verse again together as a class, filling in the missing words from memory.

When playing this with older students, you may want to say the words that are written on the board with them, then pause when you come to an erased word and see if the class can say the erased words without you.

Help kids memorize Bible verses with this fun game that EVERY Bible teacher needs in their back pocket. Perfect to use with any Bible verse!

Invite one or two new students up to erase two or more words. Then, repeat the verse again.

Help kids memorize Bible verses with this fun game that EVERY Bible teacher needs in their back pocket. Perfect to use with any Bible verse!

Continue playing this game until all the words are erased and the class is saying the Bible verse from memory.

Help kids memorize Bible verses with this fun game that EVERY Bible teacher needs in their back pocket. Perfect to use with any Bible verse!

I hope that you and your kids love this Bible Memory Verse Erase Game as much as I do! Let me know what you think of it, and if you have any suggestions or variations for play. Please scroll down to comment.

Are you looking for more ways to help your kids memorize Bible verses? Try the Dartless Balloon Board Bible Memory Game or the Exploding Balloons Bible Memory Game. You can also find more ways to help kids memorize Bible verses here.

Help kids memorize Bible verses with this fun game that EVERY Bible teacher needs in their back pocket. Perfect to use with any Bible verse!

May God bless you!

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  1. Thank you so much for the creative teaching aids you have designed and made available. I'm always looking for easy-to-prepare, fun ideas to help the kids grasp the lesson each week.!

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